Book train travel for business

With GetGoing you can book travel travel tickets with a few clicks. It’s that easy. Simply select your destination, your dates, whether you have a train frequent traveler card and GetGoing will take care of the rest.

Save time by traveling by train

Train travel is a great option for business travel especially for business trips within Europe. You can save time and money by traveling by train. Avoid long waits in airports and cut down on travel time all around. Instead of arriving at the airport 2 hours ahead of time, when traveling by train, you can arrive 30 minutes ahead of time and you’re set. Because when traveling for business you don’t have time to waste.

Stylish girl stands at the railway station with smartphone in  hands and waiting for the train

Reduce your carbon footprint

Did you know, according to the BBC, train travel emits less than double the amount of carbon dioxide than air travel? This is why GetGoing is working hard to make train travel possible on our all-in-one platform. It’s a win-win, travelers are happier when they can travel hassle-free and at the same time you are helping to do your part to make more sustainable decisions.  Discover the top 10 train travel routes.
Smiling executive using digital tablet travelling in train

Train travel made easy

When it comes time to travel for business, you want to make choices that will make your life easy. That’s why with GetGoing you can search for rail and air all in one place. It’s like having a travel agent that works for you but you’re in the driver’s seat. If your meetings are easily reachable by train, cut down on travel time and be more sustainable at the same time and hop on a train. Especially when traveling for business in Europe, trains are a great option.

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Frequently asked questions

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Buying train travel tickets in Europe can be done by visiting intermediary sites like Omio or Trainline or by booking directly with the national rail company like Deutsche Bahn in Germany or Renfe in Spain. When it comes to booking train travel for business trips, you can use a travel management platform like GetGoing.

Flights are generally cheaper than trains in the USA because fares are based on supply and demand. The more budget airlines operate, the more passengers there will be, which will help reduce the cost. In the East Coast where trains are more prevalent and there are different commuter routes that are used regularly, train travel tickets can be cheaper.

Train travel in the US tends to be expensive because railways are owned by freight companies, and with little or no government subsidies for passenger rail. Amtrak, the national railways, in fact only owns 630 miles of rails of the 21,500 miles of track they use to operate. Since the USA is the fourth largest country in the world with 3.8 million square miles of land, there are more rail lines needed to cover the land, which is expensive to build and maintain. With train travel being less in demand, this also means that the government is less likely to develop railways.

When it comes to booking train tickets for business travel, you want to be sure everything is in order before departing on a trip. After taking the time to set up meetings, you can’t risk that a train is fully booked or that something goes wrong when you buy the ticket at the station. This is why it’s ideal to book online through an online travel management platform like GetGoing.

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